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Featured FreeRTOS IoT Integration
Using AWS IoT ExpressLink


Other featured FreeRTOS reference integrations demonstrate the long-term support (LTS) versions of the FreeRTOS libraries, along with hardware backed security, and are used to help create secure and authenticated cloud connections. This page shows how to use AWS IoT ExpressLink modules (from here on "ExpressLink") to more easily achieve the same goal.

ExpressLink modules are hardware Wi-Fi and cellular modules with built-in cloud connectivity, over-the-air (OTA) updates, and hardware backed secure storage for encryption and authentication keys. Host processors that execute IoT applications communicate with ExpressLink through a serial port using a simple AT command set. All ExpressLink modules use the same command set, irrespective of the underlying radio types (e.g. Wi-Fi, cellular). By using ExpressLink modules, IoT application writers no longer have to handle the complexity of radio, security, and IoT libraries. Instead, these developers can focus on their differentiating functionality.

ExpressLink modules can be used from any device with a serial port, from tiny 8-bit microcontrollers (MCUs) to rack mounted servers. This page highlights ExpressLink demos created by ST's I-Cube-ExpressLink that target a range of STM32 MCUs.

demo success
Figure 1: Design of connected applications with AWS IoT ExpressLink (Click to Enlarge)

Demonstrated security features and functions

All AWS IoT ExpressLink modules implement the security best practices described in the following subsections.

Secure TLS communication with mutual authentication

ExpressLink modules establish a secure and encrypted connection with AWS IoT Core using Transport Layer Security (TLS). This connection is mutually authenticated, ensuring the identity of both the device and the cloud. Each module is pre-configured with a unique identifier, private key, and certificate necessary to establish this secure connection. The certificate is signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) that is already registered with AWS by the module vendor. This solves the scalability, potential for error, and security problems associated with IoT device provisioning, while reducing complexity and costs.

Keeping device identity and secrets secure

ExpressLink modules use hardware backed secure storage to keep device identity and private keys safe.

No disclosure of confidential information within the supply chain

Onboarding is the process of binding the module's credentials to a "thing" inside the AWS IoT registry of the OEM's account. ExpressLink uses a novel onboarding-by-claim mechanism to do this automatically the first time the device powers up. This late binding removes the need to provide any secret information, such as private keys, to suppliers with the IoT device's supply chain.

Preventing unauthorized software from running on the device

ExpressLink modules include a hardware root of trust backed secure bootloader that cryptographically verifies its firmware integrity at each boot stage, helping to prevent unauthorized ExpressLink firmware modification.

The STM32 examples also use Tiny Secure Boot, ensuring ECDSA signature verification of the host (the MCU that communicates with ExpressLink) software. Tiny SecureBoot has a compact footprint of less than 15K of Flash. They also leverage the ExpressLink module’s capability to verify the integrity (hash) and authenticity (signature) of the new host images received over the air – offloading these cryptography tasks from the host application.

Secure over the air (OTA) updates

OTA updates enhance security by patching security vulnerabilities and bugs in already deployed devices. ExpressLink's OTA feature enables secure firmware updates for both the ExpressLink module and host MCU.

Module updates occur without disrupting the host MCU. Each module comes pre-provisioned with an OTA "birth certificate" used to verify its firmware updates were authorized by the module manufacturer. The module signals the host MCU to accept or reject the update after successful verification, ensuring the compatibility.

Host MCU updates can receive any file type, not just new firmware versions. They use the same mechanism as module updates, except that host MCU OTA certificates can't be pre-provisioned. Instead, the certificate must first be generated, uploaded, and securely stored within the ExpressLink module. The ST examples provide a script for this purpose.

Authenticating firmware updates in the ExpressLink module offloads this heavy cryptographic task from the host application.

Getting started with I-CUBE-ExpressLink

I-Cube-ExpressLink is a CMSIS pack containing an extensive collection of FreeRTOS projects that use ExpressLink and target STM32 Arm Cortex MCUs. It includes an ExpressLink driver which is a single wrapper that manages ExpressLink commands and responses over a serial interface. These commands and responses are common to, and used extensively in application examples that run on, >10 STM32 development boards. The pack also includes a rich set of tools that simplify the Host OTA process and help you to deploy at scale, reducing the number of steps and eliminating the need for familiarity with the AWS console. The FreeRTOS projects demonstrate typical IoT scenarios:

  • Transmitting sensor data to the cloud.
  • Sending and receiving messages to and from cloud.
  • Using AWS IoT Shadows to control LEDs and other actuators from the cloud. (ExpressLink includes Shadow functionality.)
  • Updating host firmware over-the-air.
  • Managing ExpressLink module events.

These examples function seamlessly with both ExpressLink cellular and Wi-Fi modules, and don't require any code modification.

To get started, watch the STM32 ExpressLink tutorial videos:

then visit the I-Cube-ExpressLink github repository to begin development. The repository provides a comprehensive list of features, including the ExpressLink driver, example source code, as well as instructions for installing the packs, generating, building, and running the FreeRTOS ExpressLink demos.

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